Hey beauties! This weekend we were invited to come visit Candytopia in NYC! We could not WAIT to go visit this real life candy-land! The girls were so excited (really because they knew getting candy was part of the visit)!
Candytopia is located right in Midtown (behind Manhattan Mall at Penn Plaza) for those of you who know the area! I just love any chance to take the girls to Manhattan. I want them to be “city girls” as much as they can even though we live in suburbia. I was fortunate to grow up in Brooklyn & had Manhattan for a backyard. I want them to have the cultural experiences, entertainment experience, & the million other things city life offers!
Here are some of our favorite pics from our time at Candytopia!
This was right outside the venue! There were so many cool murals with different candy themes!
This was in one of the first rooms before we REALLY got into the candy areas!
This was by the entrance, a banana taxi! So cute!
The first candy chest, my daughter said “Mommy take my picture.”
This was made completely out of candy! Most of the installations were, and they had signs telling you all the information about how it was made!
Jab jab, punch punch!
Sometimes you need a hammock break!
This tunnel was a million times more gorgeous in person!
Yesssssss Cardi!
This was the really beautiful under the sea room!
My kids favorite part, playing with these GIANT beach balls!
The last few pictures are really cool. They have stations where you scan your phone (you register before going in). Then they show you were the camera is & it takes a picture, & sends it right to your phone!
This was so cool! The employees throw confetti at you while the pic is being taken!
Last but not least, the “marshmallow” ball pit! So Fun!
Thank you Candytopia for sponsoring this post! You kind find out more information about planning a visit to Candytopia here! I would not wait too long to buy tickets, they are selling out SO fast!
Here is some our fashion from the day! I was LITERALLY OBSESSED with the girls outfits! you can see the link for them here! They got so many compliments all day. I wish I had the matching outfit to wear with them!
Here are the links to my jeans & sandals!
Have you visited Candytopia yet? What did you think?
OMG it looks like heaven. wish we had one in the uk!
elle x
It was really cute & fun!!!!!