Mom Boss Monday: Featuring Rada Rozenberg ! Support Fellow Mompreneurs!
I met Rada a while back through networking, while she was still living abroad in Israel. She is now back in the tristate area, & has hit the ground running. I will let her share her story with you now!
1) Name: Rada Rozenberg
2) Where are you from: born in Ukraine, moved to USA when I was 8, moved to Israel when I was 29, moved back to USA 2019! Living in Manalapan, NJ now.
3) What is your business name/info? A Better Tomorrow
An addiction consulting and rehab placement program. Affordable treatment for drug, alcohol, eating disorders and gambling addictions.
It is new here, I was doing the same thing from Israel under a different name with a partner, however now I want to continue solo.. A Better Tomorrow Consulting is my new but old company.
4) How did you get involved with it? I was volunteering and helping addicts get clean and stay clean for a long time now. It’s something I personally went through and never thought I could come out of. I also suffered 17 years of bulimia and now helping girls like me take control over their disease.
I am now 7 1/2 years clean from drugs and alcohol and 6 1/2 years since I beat my eating disorder!
8 years ago I did not believe I would ever be a wife and never thought I would bring a child to this words, but I got life back in
me and have a healthy relationship and 2 beautiful boys. I want to show others that it can happen to them even if they have zero faith. I will believe in them until they believe in themselves. 🙏
5) What are the biggest challenges you face in your business? It’s a very emotional business. Many addicts come from a background of abuse, me including, so I hear lots of sad and scary stories all the time.. I want to help them all, but not everyone is willing to get help and it’s hard to see these people slowly commit suicide.. Everyday I come face to face with people who are suffering or who’s kids can die any day… it’s a sensitive and a very scary situation. I get personally involved with the lives of many families and feel their pain. Very hard to not get emotionally attached to the patients and their families because they are all good people that are lost and just help finding a way out…
6) How do you manage your time effectively? Time is tough.. I don’t know if I manage my time effectively because I have a 7 month old who is home with me and a 3 year old who is VERY active. My boys are amazing, but it’s impossible to have enough time for everything. I put the boys and husband first and try to do everything else when I can.. in bed, in the bathroom or on the treadmill 🙂
7) Tell us about a challenge you faced & overcame! I guess I was ashamed to speak about my past, but I see that the more I speak about it the more people believe that they can do it too and it gets rid of the stigma “once and addict always an addict..” in a bad way I mean.. I guess I’m still an addict only a recovering one. My experience helped me help others and that’s what matters.. even if I help one person to stay alive and live a happy life like I do —my job is complete.
8) Who inspires you & why? My husband inspires me most of all, he came from nothing, he was a lone soldier in the Israeli army and when he got to go home barely had money for food.. he had no one to show him how to live his life, but he managed to become a wonderful and successful man & of course married the coolest girl around.
My mom inspires me too… she immigrated to USA as a single mother with 2 kids without speaking English or having any money.. she worked hard to give us a great life and put me and my brother through college while looking fab 🙂
9) What do you do for fun? You mean without the kids?
I love to play sports, B-ball with my nephews or rollerblading with a group, I really can’t wait to get back to snowboarding.. living in the dessert for the past 8 years really got me missing the slopes!
My husband and I love to just walk around and chat about things, he loves to teach me things and I try to remember 🙂 But, sometimes for fun I do “nothing” and it’s amazing!!! I also brew my own kombucha.
10) What makes you a MOM BOSS? I guess opening A Better Tomorrow while moving back to my home town with my family and being able to give my boys enough love and attention is something that’s definitely not easy, but I’m doing it! When my friends back in Israel describe Rada, they always say.. if she’s the Boss, but I’m a mom, so I guess it makes me a MOM BOSS!
How can we find you?
Best Way Phone 📲 17327725501
Call, text, WhatsApp and ask any question, everything is confidential & consultation is free
If you missed last week’s Mom Boss Monday, you can check it out here!
Awwww how cool! Thank you for taking the time to write about me and my company!!
You’re very welcome !
Reading Rada’s interview touched my heart. Wishing her success and happiness 💗. A truly beautiful momboss!
She absolutely is !