Mom Boss Monday: Featuring Mompreneur Kristen Lopez!
I met Kristen through networking! She is a boss mom, getting it all done. Here is her story!
1) Name: Kristen Lopez
2) Where are you from: Middletown, NJ (originally Brooklyn, NY)
3) What is your business name/info? Beauty Kween (Affiliate with BeCause Cosmetics)
4) How did you get involved with it? A little over two years ago, I started in the makeup industry with another company. The business was essentially my “fun time”. Something I could do that was for ME. I wasn’t a mom, I wasn’t a wife, It wasn’t anything for anyone else, except ME. I also was looking for a way to gain my confidence back and put myself back out into the world after having lost 100lbs. My girlfriend offered me a chance for a very inexpensive cost and I quickly launched.
5) What are the biggest challenges you face in your business? The biggest challenge I face currently is transitioning from my previous company brand to my new one.
6) How do you manage your time effectively? I wake up early and plot my daily business posts or ideas. I love what I do, so to me, there is no hassle in finding time.
7) Tell us about a challenge you faced & overcame! Infertility. It took me 3 long years to get pregnant with my beautiful son. My rainbow baby. I am blessed to have met with many doctors and successfully received my blessing naturally, which was an absolute shock. Here we are 4 ½ years later, and the struggle continues. I am very open about this challenge and it is something very dear to my heart. No woman should ever feel ashamed or as if they are alone. If I can help or inspire ONE person to speak out, I know that my challenge was put before me for a greater purpose!
8) Who inspires you & why? The “old” me. I was a struggling, overweight, depressed woman who had it all, but couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. When the time came, I took the bull by its horn and stopped feeling sorry for myself. I put words into action and I am the happiest person I could ever be, now!
9) What do you do for fun? I absolutely love watching sports. I am heavily involved with rooting on my favorite sports teams NY Giants, NY Rangers, NY Yankees and love hosting parties to watch them play.
10) What makes you a MOM BOSS? I manage my household, I have a 4 ½ year old extremely outgoing boy who I waited 3 long years to get pregnant with. My son is typically right by my side during my social media live videos, you will see him in many of my photos where I feature products and he is my #1 fan. To get myself glammed up and hear “mom, you look beautiful”, is all I will ever need to succeed!
How can we find you? Website // Facebook // Instagram
I applaud Kristen for sharing her story with infertility. This is not easy for any mom to go through! So many women have gone through similar struggles & can relate! It is also not easy to go from one company to another & make that transition smooth! There are so many factors that go into that & Kristen handled it all so well!
If you missed last week’s Mom Boss Monday, check it out here!
Ohhhhhh & one more thing… in case you happen to like shopping at AMAZON!
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Kristen! You’re definitely an amazing women and an awesome mom!! I can tell by the way you talk about your family and that amazing smile you kid has in the pic!! I’m so proud of you and pray for you to keep going and become everything that you want to become & more!
Both of my children are rainbow babies… I went through heartbreak of multiple miscarriages…. and still remember after another miscarriage, my doctor (not anymore my doctor) saying “why are you crying, it’s just statistics”… I wanted to poke her eyes out!!! Yes “her”!!!! I’m blessed with 2 baby boys now and wouldn’t have it any other way 🙏