Check Out This Weeks Mom Boss Monday – Lynette Barbieri of Lynette Work & ETTWomen!
Lynette Barbiei is an ultimate Mom Boss! She is from Brooklyn (like me) which instantly makes me even more fond of her. She has a background as a financial advisor, business owner, co- founder of ETTWomen, & now also the owner of Lynette Work. Lynette Work is an all inclusive business help to take your business to the next level using all of her expertise & experience!
1) Name: Lynette Barbieri
2) Where do you live? Originally from N.Y, now Freehold N.J.
3) Name of Business? Lynette Work- 281 Route 79 Morganville NJ 07751 – 732-232-1251
I am a Financial Coach for 22 years also the Co Founder of The Entrepreneurial Think Tank For Women and the ETTWomen Foundation. In my latest venture, I am Business Consultant with my company which is called Lynette Work which brings all my business’s and expertise together. I help entrepreneurs in many aspects of growing their business, from a Financial Game-plan to a business plan to Sales skills and whatever they need help with to get their business going. What I cant personally do, because nobody can do it all, I have people who can do it within my network.
4) How did you get involved with your business? I have always been an entrepreneur, I started working with my husband when I was 22 years old in a Pizzeria we bought in NYC, then a Deli we owned in Brooklyn NY. Then fast forward to a 2 year old and 4 year old in the suburbs of NJ looking for something more, we sat with this couple from a Primerica office in Metuchen that offered us a free financial GPS to see where we were and where we needed to go. They then offered us the opportunity to learn it as we fixed our situation, and duplicate ourselves by hiring and training people, build our own business on our own schedule I was in.
I became very passionate about helping women understand how money worked and went on to do many women & money workshops etc. and hired and trained many women over the last 22 years in my company. I built my business through networking, connecting with other like minded entrepreneurs developing relationships, so I created a networking group many years ago to create my own circle.
When I met my now business partner Vanessa Coppes, I had just started on Meet Up The Freehold Entrepreneurial Think Tank For Moms because I wanted to create that circle again of like minded women but I wanted to give back and teach what I had learned throughout my journey. Vanessa had just moved to the area came to a meeting, we met for coffee, she had the same goals. We were very different women with completely different skills, which is what attracted me, we partnered, changed the name to The Entrepreneurial Think Tank For Women, and here we are 7 years later in 4 locations, and a foundation to help women in crisis was created in 2017, The ETTWomen Foundation.
Since I learned to build my own business by networking and connecting with like minded entrepreneurs, and I had trained many people over the last 20 plus years to make money and be successful in their business, and helped many families financially speaking, Lynette Work, which is a name my good friend Thea Garcia nicknamed me years back, brought all of my expertise together in 1 package where I can help women entrepreneurs regardless of what their business is.
5)What are the biggest challenges you face in your business? Time, my personal business and ETTWomen is a lot, with a family, a sick mom, sometimes there aren’t enough days in the week to get it all done and to be everywhere I should be.
6)How do you manage your time effectively? I use a planner, that we created and offer through ETTWomen, I sit down every sunday night to confirm where I have to be who I have to see and make a list in priority order of what I need to do the next day and for the week. There are obstacles that come up naturally, especially with a family, I handle them as best as I can and move on.
7)Tell us about a challenge you faced & overcame! There were a lot of challenges, as we all have, but few big challenges I had to overcome. The main one was working on my self confidence and my belief system, which so many women struggle with. Could I do it, was I good enough to succeed, I had to work on personal development.
Another one was being a young woman in the financial industry. I was challenged a lot and felt I always had to prove myself. When realized, as long as I was the best financial coach I could be, and mastered my craft, I didn’t have anything to prove to anyone but myself I didn’t pay attention to it anymore. A huge one was the fear of public speaking, I never ever wanted to have to speak in public. I read books on fear, on public speaking. I practiced, I attended workshops on it. You just have to do what you are most uncomfortable with. Then Being so visible on social media and video, I wasn’t use to it and resisted, but my partner is relentless, wouldn’t let me hide. I still don’t love it but I do what I have to do. I just don’t watch myself that much.
8) Who inspires you & why? So many women inspire me. Real women, I’m not a celebrity person. I look up to the average woman that gives it her all everyday to pursue her dreams, fights through challenges and adversity, but doesn’t stop until they became successful. Thats the women I learn from. I know a lot of women like that, like I said my business partner is relentless and always has a big vision and goes after it without sacrificing her family, I admire that, which is why I wanted to partner with her. Successful single moms who didn’t use there children as an excuse. I do love to follow Mel Robbins, she’s very inspirational to me.
9)What do you do for fun? I am very social, I love to go out with friends, every friday is date night with my husband, but friends usually wind up meeting us too. My favorite places are by the shore and I love NYC.
10)What makes you a MOM BOSS? I raised 4 kids while building my business from the very beginning. I had all my 2 girls while running the pizzeria and the deli. Then when they were 4 and 2 we started in the financial business. I got pregnant with my son and then my daughter while while we were in the trenches of building our business, and showed people how you can still do this and make over six figures still manage and train people and run an office, and not fall apart. Its always been interesting, but showing my kids I can do it was the motivating factor.
How can we find you?
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It’s very inspiring that you could switch gears from one industry to another and be successful. I am so grateful for ETT and have absorbed a lot in a very short amount of time.
She is truly an inspiring person!!!